
Looking Beyond

Exaggeration – Insecurity – and the Creative Power of Thought

The grandmother said: “Don’t believe everything you hear; they exaggerate all the time.” Now that I think about it, she was right, and she also exaggerated when she asserted that “they exaggerate all of the time.” I guess we all do it, sometimes! My uncle used to say “I’m so hungry that I can eat …

Exaggeration – Insecurity – and the Creative Power of Thought Read More »

You are more than meets the eye.

You are already somebody lovely, and lovable!

Frank Sinatra’s voice filled the room, his unique voice and the amazing orchestra delivered the message: ”You are nobody; until somebody loves you, You are nobody, until somebody cares… So find yourself… somebody to love… Culture may say “you are nobody,” but the truth is: “There is more to you than meets the eye, you …

You are already somebody lovely, and lovable! Read More »