
j enrique roman -Dog

Resistance and I

Embracing the Whole Experience of Life Work with Enrique: Services – jenriqueroman.com This resistance to writing is a response to a feeling. A feeling that appears, changes, and disappears just like all other feelings do.Can you see that you resist doing certain things?Can you see that you resist accepting other things?Does resisting change anything?   Does …

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J Enrique Roman-Estress


Algunas palabras sobre: ​​¡Estrés! El estrés existe como parte de la vida. El estrés es la otra cara de un estado mental tranquilo, pacífico y confiado, en el que vivimos sabiendo que tenemos todo lo que necesitamos para realizar la tarea que tenemos entre manos.  Sí, más allá y antes de un estado mental lleno …

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J Enrique Roman-Relationships


Relationships When we hear the word relationship; we often think of a connection. A way in which two or more persons or things have an effect, or impact on each other. A Google search will show you that relationships are believed to help us reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and encourage healthy behaviors; as close …

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